Saturday, January 15, 2011

Denver Again and Kindle

Drove to Denver on Thursday. I had no map and no trouble until five miles before my destination. The traffic is really bad here, and it's the second year in a row that I've noticed how smoggy it's become. I think the mountains hold the C2O in more than normal, but it causes my SO upper respiratory distress nearly every time we come here.

So the market is going on, and I'm already bored, after only a day and a half. I'm thinking about going over to this good mall that's near our hotel. I need to look at something besides boots and saddles. In all honesty, I did find some things yesterday for the cabin: a nice framed print of a teepee camp for $75 and a $20 ceramic plaque of Kokopelli for the bathroom. Stuff is lots cheaper than out in the world, and I think I'll buy a Mayan rug I've seen. We both like it and we'll hang it on the wall above our easy chairs, also at the cabin.

Last night we had dinner with the people who have started a new clothing line they want my SO to represent. There were two other reps there and the most obnoxious couple I've met at one of these things so far. The woman was absolutely combative about Mexican food, really got her hackles up when we said we hadn't yet found any Mexican food in New Mexico that we liked. She was just incensed by that, and tried to argue us down in the most shrill voice. My diplomatic SO kept saying that it was all in what you're used to, but that just wasn't good enough for her. She wanted us to take it back, and of course, we would not. We tried to explain, laughingly, that Texans are just really snobby about Mexican food and barbecue, but she would have none of it, and became so abrasive, I finally stopped talking to her. People are really so damned odd. Anyway, there's one more dinner on Sunday night, and that one should be less stressful. People we know well, and whom we like, the ones who own the boot company which is my SO's primary line.

The dog is even more bored with the whole thing than I am. I feel sorry for her having to be cooped up all day, but there's just nothing that can be done for it. I will at least be taking her home early with me on Monday. I got a call from the cat sitter, and kitty is having stomach issues again. She wanted to know if she should take him to the vet. I would feel better to wait until I'm back and can do it myself. I'm worried about my old kitty. I'm afraid we could be looking at his last year with us. It will crush my heart if that's so. He has been such a good, loving little fellow for all these 14 years that I he's been with me. I've never felt as special of a bond with an animal as I do with this cat. H's been my funny and wonderful companion through lots of ugly times.

Last post I mentioned my Kindle that my SO gave me for Christmas. I have been balking at the idea of having to pay to have my books formatted for e-readers. But after having the Kindle for less than a week, I was online looking for a place that could do the formatting, and found one. I think they are going to turn out to be super good. So far, I've been pleased with all the attention to detail. It's LILY I have given them to convert. Two days ago I was sent the WORD version of it, and have barely had time to look at it because of this Denver show. I'm kind of getting excited at the prospect of having an electronic version of the book, at least it's a way to get it back "in print." If it goes well, I'll have the others done. What I'm confused about, though, is how to promote it, and how to keep it from getting mixed up with books that are just being self-published to Kindle. Books and publishing are in such a transitional phase right now, and it remains to be seen how it will all puzzle out.

Onward ....

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of Kindle. I suggest you join Sisters in Crime--there are lots of posts on their various websites, particularly the Guppies list, that discuss publicizing backlist titles. So do posts on Mystery Must Advertise and one other that I can't remember. I'll send it to you later. You do have to pay SinC dues, but it's a good way to keep up with the rapidly changing epublishing world.
    I like Tex-Mex better than New Mexican too--the latter usually has too many chiles, though Santa Fe is my favorite eating city.
