Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hurricane Alex and a Humor Piece

Up this am before 5:00, and I had been sleeping fitfully anyway. I've had a humor piece percolating in my head for at least a year, but it really got going last week and this morning seemed like the ideal time to write it, so that's what I did. In my old way -- with a pen and a spiral notebook. There it will sit for a while until I decide to reread it. I'm always disappointed with the way a thing is going as I'm writing it, and I had that feeling again this morning, although lately I'm happy just to have written something at all. The house was quiet, cat was curled up beside me, and I put the words down as they came. I think it's a humor piece. That's what I intend. Not a thigh-slapping sort of thing, but more low-key, tongue-in-cheek. I have an idea for a market, but I'm just not certain enough to speak much about it. Aside from the fact that I really am superstitious about talking too much too early.

As the sun came up, I realized I was looking out the window at hurricane skies. It was 8:00 by the time I finished writing, and it surprised me, because it was still so dark. I went to get my robe, woke the SO from his usual luxurious sleep, and took the dog and cat out to get the paper. I was already feeling raindrops as we walked down to the gate. We have not had much -- maybe a half inch total -- but it's been blustery and dark all day, with some gusts probably getting up around 30 mph.

Worried some about my aunt and uncle in Harlingen. Tried to call and the lines were tied up. The storm is making landfall 60 miles south of them, down in Mexico, but it's a big, wide storm -- would have to be for us to feel anything way up here. We'll probably head down to the Coast on Friday, see if we've had any leaks there. My SO talked to our neighbors down there and they've had a lot more rain, over two inches, and it was still coming down, she said. We usually go to the Coast for the 4th of July anyway, watch the fireworks, spend a long weekend. The big Art Festival is always the same weekend The forecast is for more of this rain to hang around, with lots of clouds and wind, so the art show will definitely be canceled, and fireworks display could be either canceled or unwatchable. It's hurricane season, and I always get a little antsy. Probably a left-over from spending Hurricane Celia inside our house while it blew away. I was 17. It made an impression on me.

Onward ....

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