Thursday, November 18, 2010

Trying the Amazon Thing

I signed up with Amazon to be an Associate. Actually, I did it because I would like to sell all these hardcover LILY books I have in my storage closet. See, I bought out the 3rd printing of that book, thinking I would rather store them than have them appear on a remainder table, but now I have them and they're getting old, so I thought signing up to sell them as an Amazon Associate would be a way to get them to readers. Anyway, with the Associate program comes a way to link to your blog, so I'm seeing how the whole thing works. I think it would be kind of cool to mention a book I happen to be reading, and then having a link to that book on Amazon. The way I think it will work is that a hotlink will appear on the title, and then with one click, the blog reader will be taken to a way to buy that book from Amazon. I'm not absolutely certain that's the way it goes, but I'll give it a try.

There's so much to learn with all this new technology. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by it and just give up. But I would like to have my books out there a little more, or again, whatever. And when I read a book I really love, I like to share that information, as well. I've reviewed some books for Amazon, so I thought, why not. I guess if I get this down, maybe I'll look into getting some of my books on Kindle.

At any rate, here goes with that. It's worth a try.

Onward ....

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