Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day & Kindle Book

Thought I would take a minute, while my SO is out getting me a Valentine (I KNOW that's what he's doing!) to announce here that LILY is now available in the Kindle Book store. I hope it will give new life to that book, but I realize I'm going to have to find ways to promote it, and promoting my books has never been easy for me. But maybe in this electronic age, it won't be as hard on the psyche.

Some writers are wonderful with self-promotion. I have never been one of them. It goes against my upbringing, which stressed humility, at least for the women in my family. So it just feels wrong to go out and toot my horn endlessly. The other thing is, I'm turned off by writer's who do that, even at the same time envying them that ability.

Roses just walked in the door. He went overboard again! They're gorgeous -- pink, red, white, fuchsia, and some that are yellow with red tips. Two dozen. Been a while since I had two dozen roses. I gave him a box of Godivas and he's having fun mapping them, then eating them with delicacy. I don't think he's ever been given a box of Godivas. Fun for me, too!

I'm still on the Weight Watchers, but not losing as much as I wish. Of course, there have been things that have come up, particularly this week. Why is everything focused around food? We had Daddy over for pork steaks on the grill Friday night. Then Saturday took SO's son over to the country club for the special Valentine's dinner they had there - prime rib and flourless chocolate cake, yikes! Lots of points that night. Then tonight, my sweetheart's taking me to town to a fancy restaurant for dinner. More big points! So far I'm maintaining the weight I have lost, the little bit I should say. I weighed this am and it was still gone. I sure wish I didn't have to watch my weight so closely -- didn't used to have to, not until I got into my 40s. Oh well. Part of being a woman, and only 5'3" at that.

Onward ....

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