Saturday, January 16, 2010

Foot Sore in Denver

Bummer! Nothing worse than having a bad foot at a trade show. We're in Denver for my SO's semi-annual trade show, and I have a horrible case of plantar fasciitis. Feels like a hot roofing nail is stabbing my left heel. I've been to the foot doctor already four times, and am due back on the 27th. I'm afraid I'm going to need surgery to correct this. I've had two excruciating injections into my foot, and am now wearing a brace, or removable cast, to cushion my heel, but it's helping very little. I'm feeling pretty depressed about it right now, and like a bit of an invalid. Ignoring it certainly doesn't help. I tried that for several weeks before I resorted to a doctor's visit.

It's weird how something to do with ailments or health problems can become such an issue. I had bought new high-heeled boots to wear with my skirts while I was here. That was a couple of hundred bucks wasted. And I'm really starting to feel like an albatross around my SO's neck, even though he's been so understanding and sweet about it all. But still ... what a drag to be partnered with someone who can't walk fast or well. It's driving me crazy. I hate to be out of commission, and it seems like I have been an awful lot lately.

On a brighter note, I saw an old friend yesterday. She knew about my foot situation and so she drove over to our hotel and we had lunch in the room. She stayed for about three hours, but it felt more like 30 minutes. We have always just jabbered our hearts out when we're together, and yesterday was no different. Time flew by. She's always so sensible, and sort of made me realize how unimportant, really, in the grand scheme, is my latest dilemma.

Without back-tracking over the last ten years, it's to do with a filmmaker who has had my first book optioned a couple of times and wants to renew. I have been thinking seriously about trying to write a screenplay myself of that book. It's never been done to my satisfaction, and this time is no exception. I've made a pretty big fuss in the last week, probably caused a lot of hard feelings, but I just hate to compromise the book's story. I really like this filmmaker as a person, just not crazy about her script. There are a lot of things in there that are so far afield from what I intended when I wrote the book. But my old friend said yesterday that I should renew one more time -- she said, what have you got to lose? And I've been thinking about that. I haven't finished reading the latest script yet, so I really can't answer my friend's question at this point. But the truth is, I just don't care that much and it's been causing me a lot of needless worry and upset.

Once our three hour visit was done, I took the dog out for a romp. My foot was hurting pretty badly, so I went around to an open space near our hotel, and let her off her leash. Snow is still on the ground from a blizzard last week, and she took off through the banks without hesitation. The dog has lived in Colorado before, when the SO lived here, and she's never minded snow. She just blasts out into it with such abandon and sheer joy. She makes me laugh and takes my mind off all this extraneous stuff. Life is, as the saying goes, too short. The older I get the more I realize the truth in that.

Onward ....


  1. Sensitive and sensible--WOW! Have a great trip. Romp away Lulu

  2. Oh, Cindy, there's nothing worse than foot pain. My feet have gone you-know-where in a handbasket--bunions, hammer toe, awful corn, etc. In shoes, I've given up style for comfort--lots of canvas shoes. But I'm afraid of foot surgery--having been married to a surgeon, I think surgery begets surgery, and it will have to be really awful before anyone cuts on my hands, feet, knees, in fact any part of me.
    Enjoy Colorado! It's going to be 70 here by mid-week.
